Vegan Day

Vegan Day

Because it may be difficult (initially) to become vegan, I’ve made this iCal feed you can subscribe to. It’s called Vegan Day and it will add one ‘whole day event’ to your calendar for which it says “Today it is Vegan Day”. Just say to yourself that you’ll be vegan on Vegan Day and become vegan one day at a time :)

I’ve watched the Cowspiracy documentary in which they say: “Not eating meat for one day, just means that you’re doing something bad 6 days of the week instead of 7”. Or something similar to that anyway. Vegan Day takes the good from eating vegan for just one day, and takes out the hard part of doing it every day. Just wake up and look on your calendar. You’ll realize that today is a vegan day, without it being overwhelming. It’s just for today. The next days will go the same…

It would be best to subscribe to the iCal feed directly (don’t download and import the feed, but add the url to your calendar application). Google Calendar is quite slow at updating external iCal feeds (can take up to 12 hours). I’m using the feed with the Mac and iOS calendar apps and it’s working nicely. To subscribe to the feed from an iOS device go to Settings -> Mail, Contacts, Calendars -> Add Account -> Other (on the bottom) -> Add Subscribed Calendar -> fill in the url: