Bring your own smartphone + headset (with microphone), chargers and powerbanks. We need them to talk to Videokaffe. A laptop will be useful too. Also make sure to bring yourself for the full duration of the workshop :)
Praediniussingel 59, 9711 AG Groningen.
We’ll make use of the walls and panels on the ground and first floor.
We’ll be making portals in the building on the Praediniussingel. Kick off is on Monday. Then we spread out in groups of 2 in the building and build portals. Portals are connected via the internet and superimposed (via webcam and projectors) to create one shared surface.
Participants will experiment with the interaction enabled by the portals, with sensors and motors (akin to a Rube Goldberg machine), but also shadow play and moving themselves.
Collaboration is key. The result is one interconnected system. To build and present it, we need to be present and work together. We’ll provide the tools and support. It’s up to you to play and decide what to build :) What will your portal do?
Eventually we have 6 portals running. The first triggering the second, the second triggering the third, etc. This chain reaction will finally be presented on Saturday evening the 23rd of January at the Praediniussingel and Open Source Gallery in Brooklyn, New York City. In Groningen, visitors will make a tour through the building and visit all the portal stations.
For inspiration on how to make a chain reaction and with what, we can watch Rube Goldberg Machine videos on YouTube. For example the leaf-blower and umbrella in the beginning of this video is a nice example. It’s big enough to see on camera and the leaf-blower is easy to turn on/off with a smart power socket.
Joseph’s Machines has loads of videos to draw inspiration from too.
The Reisma van den Burg Grant enabled me to further explore the Screen Breach concept together with Videokaffe. I went to Turku, Finland to participate in the Art Teleported manifestation. This motivated me to make Mappertje and Pop-out Jitsi Meet: two tools we could use for the Screen Breach sessions. We put them to use during the two month residency Stream of Trials @ SIGN, Groningen. Funny enough the extensions weren’t just useful for us. They’re currently being used by thousands of people (for things other than Screen Breaches). And we’ll use them again during this workshop!