Currently the image flashes every 10 seconds, which may be a bit too often. Why? Well… according to the story the single advertising frame was visible too short for the viewer to be aware of it. Maybe too short to be fully aware of what is shown in the frame, but it’s quite obvious that something is flashing! Especially when browsing on the web, where pages are usually static with a light background and a lot of text, it’s distracting when an image is suddenly flashed all over the screen. Even if it’s just for the duration of a single frame.
The plugin uses window.requestAnimationFrame() to show the image as short as possible. But it still makes me blink every time the image is shown. So this approach is not very successful at influencing yourself subliminally - but you can still try to influence yourself with it!
The code is on GitHub. To install it in Google Chrome you need to go to download the code from GitHub. Then go to chrome://extensions/, turn on developer mode, load unpacked extension, choose the ‘brainwash_yourself’ folder. You can choose images via the plugin settings. Toggling the plugin on or off is supposed to work by clicking on the plugin icon, but that’s not really working. So you should turn off the plugin in chrome://extensions/.